It was a very quiet week around the board. Whether it's the Independence Day Holiday, etc....we too found ourselves stepping out of the circles for a break. Some rambling thoughts to share though!
I mentioned last week that I wasn't familiar with the Digital Line DVD Label. It just so happens that we were able to get our hands on some of their new titles from Metallica, Neil Young and Keith Richards for review. Look for those to be posted asap.
The new Genuine Masters Zep title, "Kiwi Express", is now in our hands. After some peeks in between festivities this weekend....this could seriously be their best to date! More in the review to be posted in the next day or so.
In the last week, David Bowie had to cancel the remaining 11 shows on his European Leg of the "Reality" Tour. A pinched-nerve made him cut his Prague concert short on June 23rd. After regrouping in London and getting checked out by doctors, he announced the cancellations on June 30th. So, reference the leads I provided in our "Lossless Exchange" column to access some great Bowie "Reality" concert recordings to download at SavageJaw!!! Most notably, a couple of Atantic City shows from May 29th & 30th have been posted and offer wonderful performances in outstanding quality. The often requested Baton Rouge '78 show has just been posted also.
If anyone can assist, we are looking for connections to the Japanese, Rolling Stones Bootleg DVD Labels, D-Stone & Jointrip. They are circulating some of the best in Stones DVD's and we would certainly like to feature some of their material. Just email the site. It seems some of the enterprising Stones CDR Labels have hit a black hole in their production. We touched base with both Pignose Records and Risk Disc this past week. Nothing doing on either front and the enthusiasm has seemed to wane in both camps. The responses were less than encouraging which I find disappointing. They both were in the midst of establishing identity up until February of '04. Perhaps we will see some new product in the Fall. Their lack of new titles is noticable and I wish them both well.
Another line to throw out to our membership, we are attempting to broaden our coverage! If you can direct HotWacks Online to some alternative channels of information, regarding artists you collect....send us an email on those too! We want to kick this thing into overdrive in the next 30 days and that is where our focus will be.
We've had the feet up, barbecuing & socializing over the 4th of July weekend. Now it's time to get back up off of our asses. To all those who were taking a mid-summer break...hope yours was enjoyable! Good luck getting back into the swing of another workweek and we will be doing the same. Thanks everybody and we are excited about expanding on what we have started here in the last 45 days!