Deep Purple dominates the space this week, truck on in...

Deep Purple Perfect Recall - Darker Than Blue Label

...Leading the wave of releases from Darker Than Blue this week is DEEP PURPLE "Perfect Recall: Jon Lord's Last Performance In Japan" 2CD recorded live at the International Forum in Tokyon on April 15, 2009...the piggyback japanese set comes with the bonus 2CDR, "Live Without Hammond" contains an audience tape from the April 8th, 2009 show at the same venue...

Deep Purple Rainbow 1973 - Darker Than Blue Label

...Next up, DEEP PURPLE "Rainbow 1973" 1CD audience recording from The Rainbow Theater in London on February 16, 1973...also on Darker Than Blue Label...

Deep Purple Kon 1970 - Darker Than  Blue Label

...DEEP PURPLE "Koln 1970" 2CD features another excellent audience tape, this one from Mulheim Stadthalle, Koln, Germany 4th April 1970 from Darker Than Blue....

.Deep Purple Definitive Paris 1985 DVD - No Label

...DEEP PURPLE "Definitive Paris 1985" is supposedly a 'huge' upgrade of the 102 minute proshot video from the Palais Omnisports in Paris on July 9, 1985 and arrives on a non-label silver DVD...

The Beach Boys Melbourne 1978 DVD - Masterport DVD Masters Label

...THE BEACH BOYS "Melbourne 1978" from Masterport DVD Masters presents their March 3, 1978 proshot video from the Myer Music Bowl in Melbourne and runs about 54 minutes...and finally tonight, Wendy Records will release the LED ZEPPELIN title, "Magic Kingdom 1971" 2CD set featuring the soundboard tape w/audience filler from Orlando on August 31, 1971...speaking ZEPPELIN, check out the new Seattle 1975 5LP/3CD Virgin Heavy Vinyl Box Set below, along with the IRON MAIDEN Box arriving soon to our shelves...

Led Zeppelin Seattle 1975 5LP_3CD Box Set
Iron Maiden Rare Beast LP_CD Box Set
...That's the wrap for this mid-August 2012 edition of the Boot News, thanks for stopping by and have yourself a great week...

Svengi, August 15, 2012

