Tokyo, Japan - December 15th, 1992: Carnal Forge, Corporal Jigsore Quandary, Incarnate Solvent Abuse, Heartwork, Exhume To Consume
St.George's Hall, Bradford, UK - 1989: Embryonic Necropsy And Devourment, Swarming Vulgar Mass Of Infected Virulency
John Peel BBC Session - December 13th, 1988: Crepitating Bowel Erosion, Slash Dementia, Cadaveric Incubator Of Endoparasites, Reek Of Putrefaction
Tools Of The Trade EP, Amazon Studios, 1992: Tools Of The Trade, Incarnate Solvent Abuse, Pyossified (Still Rotten To The Gore), Hepatic Tissue Fermentation