"Holy crap", I exclaimed as I kept reaching for the volume to turn it up just a little bit more.
As others commented upon it's posting at SharingTheGroove in February 2004...this absolutely stunning audience recording is the best I've ever heard! Georgama Bin Bush Records is part of a family of labels from Germany cranking out superb titles, that are cherry picked from our favorite Bit Torrent Download site. I must say, if you're going to do it...this is the way you want to see it done.
There is nothing not to like with this show and this release. It feels EXACTLY like you are standing front row center with the mix perfectly set and people are giving you space on all sides. Incredible. No doubt GBB tweaked the original recording to give it more power. As if it really needed it, my god.
Personally, I don't care for Justin Hawkins vocals but the rest is simply top notch 70's rock n' roll with a new millenium twist. If you want to impress anyone with this band, pull this disc out and crank it up. The performance is phenomenal, the sound is an "11" and the packaging is quite nice w/thoughtful...(uh,hum)...photos utilized! The digipack artwork and quality is also the best.
A quote from Justin Hawkins before "Growing On Me"...."How many of you have heard our album?"....mayhem..."on a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate it?"....onslaught of replies with an audible "11" from nearby the taper..."I heard eleven, well good...oh, ha!...69!....we're well into double figures anyway"....riff, thud, sheer, riff.
And then we are off at 110 miles per hour again. Just how I like my rock n' roll! Give this one a listen, you'll be smiling for awhile. For the curious, here is the actual tapers info on what was used to record and convert this incredible document:
Source: Coresound HEBs (DPA 4061s) > battery box > D100
Conversion: Fostex D5 > spdif > DiO 2448 > Soundforge 7.0 > shntool v1.2.3 > shorten32