This release was completely sourced from the 1st Generation recording posted on SharingTheGroove back in May 2004. I believe 27 productions is German in origin, but not entirely certain. They Eq'd the sound a bit on this and it actually came out pretty well. I know that people are awfully upset about the bootleggers sourcing their goods this way but what can you do with widespread sharing, it's all out there. This cannot be unexpected in this day and age.
This is excellent material, no matter where you obtain it. Just get it. This particular release has provided worthy packaging for what it holds. The digipack is superb in quality and the photography and layout would certainly make Alan Douglas re-think his official version! It should be stated that the material contained on this disc are ALL outtakes and none of this has been officially released.
All in all this is a top notch production, even though the original recording as been tinkered with to provide a bolder sound. I've only taken off points in the performance area as the band is providing an informal jam and once in awhile, it shows. But it is Jimi Hendrix, come on...let him play and roll the tape.