Generic, No Label |
Various Promotional Clips, Interviews, EPK & Home Video |
DVD, NTSC, All Region |
Approximately 123 minutes |
Stereo & Mono Soundboard; Video Cam audio |
DVD Clamshell with color insert art |
Traveling Wilburys Videos DVD front |
01. TOM PETTY - I WON'T BACK DOWN / On March 22 & 23 1989 on a sound stage at Pinewood Studios in Iver Heath, Backinghampshire, George Harrison, Jeff Lynne and Ringo Starr join Tom Petty to film a promotional video for Petty's track I Won't Back Down. For the second day's shot, March 23 , panic erupts when the director, David Leland, realizes he still need Ringo, who had been told not to turn up, for one long shot. Instead, a look-alike from the Beatlemania stage play is drafted in as a replacement, much to everyone's annoyance. 02. WILBURY WORLD NEWS / Commercial to Volume 3 album. 03. SHE'S MY BABY (Shooting) / A fragment from Shooting of :She's My Baby' promo film - Octobcr 1990. 04. WILBURY BROS. PRESENTS / The Warner Bros. Promo film to volume 3. 05. 1990 RARE HOME VIDEO / Video documentary of Some of the ''Camp Wilbury' sessions (beginning sessions for Volume 3 at a private home) shot by an unnamed Wilbury, captures highlights of the Bel Air sessions. 06. VOLUME 3. EPK / Electronic press kit for Volume 3. include interview with George Harrison, Jeff Lynne and Tom Petty. 07. WILBURY'S PROMOTINGS / Jeff Lynne, Roy Orbison and Tom Petty promote Traveling Wilburys and George Harrison complete interview about Traveling Wilburys (November 1988). 8. WHATEVER WILBURY WILBURY / An unreleased film (to the general public that is) of the Traveling Wilburys recording the album is shot and subsequently titled 'Whatever Wilbury Wilbury'. The Warner Brothers production premieres at the annual Warner Brothers Records convention later this year. Interestingly enough , though the shot 15-minute film is shot in a color, the film is exhibited to the WB hierarchy ln black and white due to mix-up in the film prints. 9. TV NEWS / A pro-recorded videotaped interview with the Traveling Wilburys , carrid out by Rona Elliot. that was transmitted on the NBC TV Show Today on morning of November 2, 1988. Bob Dylan does not appear because he was performing in New York when the feature was recorded. 10. SMOKING WILBURYS / Interview with George Harrison, Jeff Lynne and Tom Petty about now video ''End Of The Line''. 11. AT THE REPAIN SHAP / May 7, 1990 - in Los Angeles, with Wilburys activities still on hold, George is seen by fans shopping for a camcorder. 12. HANDLE WITH CARE / The video for the song directed David Leland was shot towards the beginning of October in an undisclosed location in Los Angeles and received saturation play on MTV and VH-1. 13. END OF THE LINE / On December 10 1988, 4 days after Roy Orbison's death, the Villie Smax - directed video was shot in Los Angeles with an empty rocklng chair taking the place of the fallen Lefty Wilbury. January 20, 1989 14. NOBODY'S CHILD / The film directed by Derek Hayes was completed on June 11th, 1990, but did not feature appearances from the group. It instead relied on animation and newsreel footage of the Romanian orphanages. 15. SHE'S MY BABY / The video was produced by Peter Kohn and directed David Leland for Limelight Films; the soundtrack was completed on October 13. 1990. 16.INSIDE OUT / The promotional film opens with an orchestral warm-up and ends with a bit of sporadic clapping. 17. WILBURY TWIST (version 1) 18. WILBURY TWIST (version 2) / A star-studded video (John Candy. Erie Idle, Cheech Marine, Whoopi Goldberg, Woody Harrelson, Fred Svage, Bob & Fab from Milli Vanilli were in it) was produced for the track, but lt was rarely seen. Shot in Los Angeles, it was completed on February 28th. 1991. |
I have always enjoyed what this Traveling Wilburys project and the songs that came out of it have produced. What detracted from it for me a little is that there is just way too much Jeff Lynne production into all of the work here and what he has done in many of the projects he's been associated with the solo projects of the other Wilburys on the team. That set aside I actually liked the fun material the 5 of them wrote and performed during this short stint from late 1988 to mid-1991. So, when I finally got a copy of this new DVD I figured I was in for a fun and enjoyable experience. The results were only partially enjoyable.
The pieces of video brought together for this production sure set the stage for high anticipation, especially as I scanned the nicely detailed info on each on the back sleeve. I really appreciate it when a bootleg label takes the time to document, it makes a helluva difference in how you view the release as information is GOOD! Anyway, this DVD plays more like a documentary and most of the footage is precious in every aspect as both George and Roy are no longer with us. It's just that this compilation of clips suffers from what many of these compilations do, a lack of rhythm and flow. It's a very difficult thing to do especially when you are presenting your sources in a chronological order, it doesn't allow much room to juggle things around and find that sequence. Anyway, this is everything from funny, enjoyable, boring and monotonous as the repetition of the music kind of has the wrong effect on the program and the vast segments of home video, while allowing us a special look into the artists lives a bit and how they behave together, get to feeling like you're watching somebody else's family home movies...which in essence, we are. With some of the commercially produced pieces the quality I felt should have been better. Did they not get the actual EPK tapes and such? Either that or the transfer was lousy. Unless you have to have everything I'm not sure this is really worth seeking out. I think you can get the videos for the songs in much better quality elsewhere and the only redeeming factor on all the interview/promotional footage is that you get to spend quality time listening to George talk about the project, how it all came about and see that he was in a very comfortable and happy period of his life, and that is a very good point regarding this video document. Expect a choppy ride and not enough musical substance for the 2 hours with this DVD. Frankly, it left me a little annoyed more than anything else after it was done. |
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